CP Church & 1108 Pendrell Residential
This unique model of co-developer partnership between the Central Presbyterian Church (CPC) and Bosa Properties allowed for an innovative solution for the Church to continue to serve its community in the West End. The new building consists of a three-storey podium with a residential tower above. The podium contains the CPC sanctuary, community space, daycare and commercial facilities. The tower provides 45 affordable rental units for seniors and 168 market rental units.
As a long-term asset for both owners, measuring the actual building energy consumption will establish a credible energy baseline, allowing both operators to fine-tune building operations for efficiency in subsequent years. This will not only allow for long-term efficiencies but also cost savings as well. Integrating the technologies between the different partners/spaces allowed both systems to meet their original intent and work independently.
In addition, by utilizing the energy billing system to record data for the application of and verification of testing and balancing, Zenith was able to shorten this period by 75%.